LEARN TO WALK – Walking aid that teaches the user balance.

Learn to Walk is used as the initial walking aid or by users with stable walking aids who want the opportunity to learn balance to achieve independent walking ability.

Normal posture and weightbearing in an upright position, along with support around the hips instead of hand support, create conditions for a normal walking pattern and learning balance reactions.

In Learn to Walk, the user is secured around the waist. The hands are free, which is a prerequisite for practicing balance. Balance is gradually challenged by adjusting settings in Learn to Walk. The user first trains in a standing position where balance is challenged in all directions. The next step is training walking forward, followed by progressively increasing the number of movement directions. “In each position, the user can move outside their base of support area and has the opportunity to regain balance.” In Learn to Walk, the user can fall in a controlled manner. Falling in a safe manner allows the user to gain experience and develop strategies to recover quickly and avoid falls. In this way, one learns balance. By placing stops on the side posts, you can determine the desired fall height, ranging from a small descent to a seated position. For purchasing and pricing information, please contact.Mikael@learntomove.se

Below are important documents and links related to Learn to Walk listed.

Product sheet

User manual

Order form

Learning Support

To get started with training in Learn to Walk, there is web support with instructional videos. You can access these videos when ordering Learn to Walk.

Ordering and Price Information

Contact person: Mikael@learntomove.se